The Selfie – we are supposed to transcend it not get stuck there

A Friday night: a thirty-something spinster at home with a DVD, and no desire or energy to move beyond the couch. A tough week gone by, dealing with her ‘past-halfway-to-seventy’ birthday a few days away. Neither contemplation, nor prayer, nor journaling, nor goal-setting or mind-messing (a.k.a. positive thinking) seem to be offering any answers. The seeking process, the being stuck space, the constant feeling of this ‘separation-from-half-of-herself’, the knowing that unconditional love is ‘out there’, is there, but isn’t tangible, only spiritual, is exhausting whilst trying to survive in the tangible, ‘real’, ‘now’ world; this is far from ideal world. Feeling completely exhausted by it all. Who would have thought that the desire to know and figure out and live through the process of transcendence would be so tiring? A constant battle between ‘soul-less’, money-orientated, appearance concerned, insecure individuals and my inner soul’s antithesis thereof. It would seem that the inner battle of conscience and truth versus immorality and zero ethics is as intense as the battles fought on famous battlefields… it’s just that the battle with self to survive in a broken world is not one that is going to end whilst I’m still on this planet… in this life.

I see around me that the ‘physical’ appears so much easier to ‘deal with’ than the ‘spiritual’. Go on a diet, get some exercise, go bed with anyone… from where I’m sitting anyway. So that’s what people focus on, their bodies, maybe their minds too, but seldom their souls. I was introduced to 2 ladies this week and they are convinced that it is all “easy” and all one has to do is wake up in the morning, get out of bed and say: “make it easy”, and poof, magic wand has been waved, and it is easy. Indeed, it must work, because what one tells one’s earthly brain is what one is programming it for, and if I lived in the realm of following my earthly brain, then I too would be able to wake up and make it all about the ‘now’ and ‘easy’ and that would be that. No concerns, no difficulties, just deep breathing and ‘flowing’ through the ‘now’ with ease and grace and no concern for the future as it will be ‘easy’; it has been self-prophesied and created and must be so.

Yet, I have this annoying thing called a ‘soul’, a ‘spirit’, that has a solid concern and dislike for what is going on in the world; which is combined with my chosen belief that friction and challenge mold and grow and mature human beings. The Refiner’s Fire must be lived through. The challenging lessons must be entered into. The truth, the history, the life, must be ‘re-membered’ and efforts must be made to endure, press on, persevere, and find peace at the top of the mountain that should be climbed. Someone, in my opinion, at least one person, needs to be observing, taking themselves into account, watching the growth, seeing the changes, pointing out how it happened, why it happened, what the worth is, with regards to meeting one’s self in the place of wisdom through experience and empathy… Still, my opinion is biased, because I am an observer, I am an ‘out-the-box’ thinker, I am a blogger, I am a writer, a performing artist, a teacher. I need material. I can’t say it’s ‘easy’ and just be in the ‘now’, because then I will have no substance to what I am doing and who I am being. I will be a zombie, going from one moment to the next, without purpose, without observing the whole story or sharing actualities.

Of course, I am my own worst enemy, because of my choice of faith, because of my over-thinking, because of my inability to trust, all thanks to my context and life experiences. I could turn any thought in my mind around to make it do what I like, make it serve me as I like, make the factors support whatever I like and whatever I please. I could place circumstances and factors in a light that ‘works’ for me… but, and here is the rub, what makes me ‘right’? What would make that choice and manipulation of facts to suit myself ‘helpful’? The current reading material in this world that now hosts more dis-ease, hurt, pain, abuse, hate, war, nastiness and the like, than ever before (which I could manipulate in my mind to say – that’s fine, that’s ‘right’, as the population is bigger, so this must be the case, proportionate growth) is all about “ME”, all about the “Selfie”, all about “controlling my thoughts, because I can make the best results, I will sort it out my way”… Really? Fallen, hurt, broken, insecure, vengeful, hating, bitter etc, and ‘I have the answer’, ‘I am right’… How? How can that, in any universe, be a rational and acceptable combination, never mind a direction for an entire society to take? “My way”, “my knowing”, “my truth”, because my mommy loves me… Seriously?

I reckon that I can see one HUGE downfall in this thinking pattern of the 21st century, how can there be 8 billion truths in one space called earth and no conflict? How can there be 8 billion individuals wondering around saying “I am in my now” (“I am taking it easy”, “I am in my space, don’t disturb me”, “I am ok”) and none of those 8 billion bump into each other and create major turmoil? Unless every one of the 8 billion takes their selfish space and sits in their own home, on their own and never encounters another…

Marriage scenario:

“My mother has invited us to dinner; I would really like us to go.”

“No, I’m not going, I don’t like your mother, she doesn’t make my life easy.”

How does that not end up in hating, clashing and a fight? A perpetual turmoil that overflows into everything?


Work scenario:

“Please would you assist with this?”

“No, it is not in my job description. I don’t want to, nor do I want to learn to.”

How does that not create frustration, annoyance and bad relations? Never mind limited skills and shortsightedness?


Friends scenario:

“My pet passed away, I’m really bleak, please come and help me bury him.”

“No, I don’t do death; it’s not something I want in my space.”

How is that going to build a relationship? How is that going to develop courage and strength of character?

Obviously the scenarios may be real, one may not need an in-law’s negativity, or someone else’s ‘problems’, or to face a fear at a particular time… but to use ‘flow’, and ‘ease’, and ‘me’, as reasons to avoid facing fears, maturing, growing and becoming a better person? It has to result in leaving the earth overloaded with people who have never left childhood being, never left the maturity of a five year old.

‘Adults’ by age; but ‘children’ by brain, will-power, self-control, self-discipline and immaturity. I see this society of selfishness, of arrogance and more brokenness as “me” takes over as one’s ‘god’. My way, my things, my achievements, it was all me… and, through my glasses: ‘it is/was all me’ is completely delusional.

I can write and type because someone taught me, because someone invented writing and technology, because someone else made mistakes before me, because someone else shared their ideas, wrote them down, gave them away, other people worked really really hard to invent things, to build things, to create the infrastructures that I take for granted every day. Other people have to help me with my health, my car, my laptop, growing my groceries, delivering my snail-mail; it is not all about me. It can’t be… yet, I have learners demanding their marks ‘now’, I have ‘adults’ demanding that things be done ‘their way’, I have had major companies completely unconcerned that their products have caused damage to my health, it’s not their problem… they don’t have to sort it out… there are 7999999999 other people in the world, so no ‘one’ person really is that important…

So why are we living in such a contradiction? Selfie – you are important; build your self-esteem – you are loved; have everything ‘easy’ and ‘now’ – you are worth it, you can have it… yet all I have encountered recently as a thirty-something-spinster sitting on her couch watching her DVD, is that I’m not that important in this world. There is no purpose in living for Self. There is no joy in having everything at your fingertips now when there is no-one to share it with… The world is preaching “Self” and creating a very, very lonely world.

I lift up my prayer this morning, that the world, the people who are sucked into ‘self’ will realise that turning to ‘self’ is not the end of the journey. It is the pathway that is supposed to show them how unfulfilling and meaningless ‘self’ is. It is supposed to show the loneliness and isolation of the ‘self’ as ‘god’ in order to get one to step up, out and above that way of thinking and being. Once one realises that ‘self’ is not what should be served; that ‘me, me, me’ is an incredibly lonely place; that fear gets worse when stuck on its own, feeding itself; that the only way to be saved from the isolation of ‘self’ is to be selfless, to serve, to give, to build, to persevere, to take the ‘road less travelled’, sacrifice, compromise, put others above yourself, be kind, be real, be open, be honest, step out of ‘easy’ and into meaningful, step out of ‘comfortable’ and into creating empathy. Leave ‘now’ and see the whole picture. Learn that love of ALL others in ALL circumstances will lead one to be able to peacefully move to maturity, wisdom, emotional intelligence and an intuition that is trained and listened to in order to make living in a broken world an enlightening experience and not just a journey in front of a hand mirror, serving and achieving nothing.

Facebook… Have you thought about it?

23.9.2010… “outrage as Facebook is down”… 19.6.2014 tweets around the globe: “outrage at Facebook being down”… As I type this in Microsoft Word, I’m quite surprised that “Facebook” isn’t in their dictionary yet… anyway, that’s not the point of this blog. I actually have two points stemming off the “outrage” over the minutes that the site was down on Thursday, and the times before that.

1) Outrage? Seriously? It’s a computer site for crying in a tea-cup. A site created and operated by a small bunch of people that only a minute number of individuals in the world have ever even actually met. ‘Outrage’ at having the social calendar interrupted for a short while? That deserves outrage? You’ve got to be kidding me! I was too busy WORKING to even know that it was down. I was too busy speaking to, and interacting with, real FLESH AND BLOOD human beings to even smell that some computer system somewhere in the world hit a glitch; yet the rest of the world was “outraged” and the entire GLOBE was tweeting about it… apparently…

So my jaw literally drops… no-one gets up in ‘outrage’ about HIV/Aids/TB/cancer, worldwide epidemics. No-one gets ‘outraged’ at girls being raped every minute of every day. No-one gets ‘outraged’ at climate change and pollution PERMANENTLY destroying our wildlife, water-supplies and incredible planet. No-one gets ‘outraged’ at the richer getting richer and the poor being starving and homeless. No-one gets ‘outraged’ at the lack of resources in hospitals, schools and war-torn countries. BUT they can get ‘outraged’ at a little intermission in their personal ones and zeros feeds on a little machine that creates fabricated and specifically angled stories to suit the individual? WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON????

When did an internet programme become more important than human life? I am honestly BLOWN away at how messed up peoples’ priorities are. SERIOUSLY!

2) Although I am not addicted to Facebook by any means, I do have a few accounts so that I’m not seen as completely anti-social and non-reachable. I often get the odd bit of interesting information, but mostly I use it for the Messages of Light posts, I LOVE that site. One a day and it’s all good. When I log in to get there, however, I’m opened up to all the lives of people who have at one point in my time been a part of my life. I see their posts and life stories being marked on their pages… and it struck me… Facebook is one GIANT scrapbook for planet earth. If an alien were to pop by and visit God, God could say, “Here, have a look at My children”, and whizz the alien through Facebook a page (or a thousand) at a time. “This is my naughty child, this one is an angel, this one gives me headaches, here, have a look…” and so on… metaphorically speaking anyway. There are pictures of weddings, posts for funerals, birthdays, memorials, births and anniversaries. Graduations, first car, first boyfriend, first divorce and many many more. In between are colours, pictures, jokes, pets and video footage of all sorts of things. One GIANT scrapbook, the old “family photo album”, made for the world to contribute to, made for everyone to participate in and be one huge worldwide family. Full of the dodgy uncles and home-made-recipe-aunts. The M.I.L.F.’s and son-in-laws that were sent to prison… Our lives are now not being put into fading photographs and memories in paper and plastic, they are now being recorded for the lifetime (eternity?) of Facebook’s existence, and/or the internet and however far our signals can be resounded into the universe. This gets me fascinated…

It then struck me, what about the people who don’t have Facebook? What about those who have chosen not to be a part of the wave of unified scrapbooking? Those worried about pedophiles, or the essence of “Fakebook”? Those who are taking a stand against the general mass populations’ desire to put themselves ‘out there’? Those who are overwhelmed by too much information all at once? Is their act of excluding themselves going to mean anything when their lack of an account serves to make them erased, or not thought of as having existed? How is this new wave of ‘fame’ for 5 seconds, this new platform of ‘family scrapbooking’, going to affect/effect the self-esteem of future generations?

In 10 years time, presuming Facebook is still around and hasn’t gone off-line permanently, will our children be comparing their ‘online histories’? “Look at my baby picture,” tap tap. If those who are ‘taking a stand against Facebook’ don’t have stories or photos about their children online, will those children understand? Will it be a case of “My Dad doesn’t do Facebook” or a case of “My Dad put his beliefs against Fakebook, ahead of his love for me”? Will that create an argument between the children as to which Dad is right? Who ‘loves’ more? (Please note, I do not connect “Facebook” with “love”/“self-worth” AT ALL for myself, but, especially as a teacher, I know teenagers’ lives have been DESTROYED over the site and the cyber-bullying. Learners under twenty have not had 10 years to rebuild their broken self-esteem and/or repair the insecurities that were created between birth and twenty.) Will the lack of parental participation in Facebook benefit the babies being born now, or create more insecurities because these children are too young to remember a time when Facebook didn’t exist?

I have friends who post all sorts on Facebook with regards to their children: birthday cakes, drawings, graduations and the like. My mother kept a photo-album for all her children. If Facebook is the new ‘photo album’ of the 21st century, will a child be able to understand why they have no ‘album’ up there; or not? I have friends who refuse to participate in Facebook, for their own personal reasons, but, if we look at the long-term outcome of that choice… will it be worth it? Or will their children see it as their parent/s weren’t proud enough of ‘their baby’ to put a picture up for others to see?

I guess only time will tell, but, as I have already typed, the thoughts are fascinating me. . . Maybe Facebook is so important to people because it’s their new family album. . . Nah, humans aren’t evolved enough for that logic I reckon 😉

14 November 2013

Even though it’s an all female group on the Grace Course, I was glad I got to go to this session. Watching the DVD was far more impactful than the chat session for me, but that is often the case. I enjoy the readings tied in with the ‘qualified lecture’ on the matter at hand. The chat sessions in this group are harder. Most of the contributors are ‘new’ Christians… so their paths are still in the place where they have just learnt that “God loves you, absolutely delights in you and loves you more dearly than you have ever experienced.” … As humans we fight this, we feel judged, like we ‘don’t deserve His love’; but it actual fact it has nothing to do with us, it’s God’s choice and He chooses to love us… and in that love: fear, depression, hopelessness, low self-esteem and all the other nasties we feed ourselves are completely pointless lies. So as I sit and listen to the different places of turmoil, and share my experiences and how I get through hell again and again and again through faith… they stare at me unbelievingly, this light comes on, like: “Seriously? I didn’t know that.” Or “I never thought of it like that”… and so, what seems so obvious to me really is ONLY obvious to me… this whole being on earth thing, man I don’t dig it. . .

Anyway, the whole session was about “shame”, stuff I never thought of! Ok, they put it like this: Guilt is: “I did something wrong, I made a mistake”, but Shame is: “there is something wrong with me, I am the mistake”. In the context of my internet dating expedition and the whole struggle of 33 and single, I’d never thought that it could come down to shame. I OFTEN look at myself and my interactions with others, the way they interact with me, the way things go wrong all over the place in my life and I ask, genuinely: “what is wrong with me? Why am I such a mess up that I … can’t get a date / don’t get invited out / am not remembered / can’t stay healthy / always seem to be making the worst decisions ever / never get to be the top one… etc …etc … etc?”

The DVD dealt with this shame as being placed in us from little: “You’ll never amount to anything, you should be a shamed of yourself, You’re a disgrace, only a B? Where’s the A?” and so on… along with peer pressure and “fear of being rejected and ostracized” … I’ve definitely had my share of rejection… and the lecturers’ perspective is that the rejection builds a shame inside the self, as we believe the world’s lies and not God’s truth. It is the victim, not the power enforcing it, which experiences the shame. The basic message of shame: “We’re not good enough. Not good enough for others to value us and not good enough to be God’s children… Shame drives us to cover up and hide.”…
These were some of the strategies listed that are used to “cover up and hide shame”:
1) lying about your accomplishments (or lack) or things in your past that you are ashamed of.
2) Pretending that everything is ok and you are doing great, when you know you are not.
3) Blame-shifting, making everyone else the problem, and not yourself.
4) Moralizing by preaching hard against ways that you yourself have behaved in, and are ashamed of.
And many others…
I know so many people who see the flaw in others, and shout them down, when the biggest flaw is in themselves… I, myself, have had to unlearn that habit too. I also realised that I often reduce my accomplishments with a wave of my hand… It has been a hard lesson to be objective and not assign ‘blame’, and make sure I have concrete evidence before I speak out. Sadly, all these defence mechanisms only provide temporary relief that makes the hole of shame so much deeper…

The next part of the DVD made me very happy … what does God offer me to get over the shame behaviour? A new identity 🙂 When I began my love relationship with God, I became new… 2 Peter 1v4… “our shame has been completely taken away! Once and for all! Past, present and future!” “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5v17).

They presented more than a page of “new names” for my “new identity” in Christ…
Which one did I adopt? Ephesians 2v10: “My new name is God’s Work of Art”… I fell in love with that new name, and I have taken it on as a breath of fresh air… each day God can greet me with: “Morning My Work of Art … that I have crafted from the clay, put through the fires to purify you as silver… be a butterfly and FLY my Work of Art! … Don’t be a caterpillar with wet wings walking on the ground helpless, SOAR and be My Work of Art :-)”
Amen, and thanks be to God.

19 Oct 2013 7a of 7th Day

CRAP! This internet dating search thing is crap! I couldn’t get to sleep last night running through all the possible Mr14 scenarios in my mind and how we probably aren’t compatible, but I could probably be swayed and I could make myself like him or someone, but my soul, would my soul let me? Am I brave enough to try? I feel psychotic, I really do. More anxiety and stress and nonsense. Maybe the only person who can sort this out really is a psychologist!

My ego and self-esteem have really enjoyed the ‘chuckling chatting’ though and it has been great to have something different to think about… is that a bad thing? Are you only supposed to think about these guys if they are a ‘match’? Is it natural to go around making up stories in your brain about a stranger, or is that only a writer’s thing? I have no idea… feel really lost here.

Is there a point in getting involved with someone when he likes dogs and I’m anal about hygiene, when he likes boats and the sea and I like the berg and get sea-sick? When my skin is not made for the sun, when my hobbies are indoors and I can’t share a pizza and wine with him because of the whole stupid gluten-dairy intolerance thing… if a guy’s dream is what it is and I can’t fit in with that… is it worth pursuing? Or is it a waste of time… the other voice in my head says nothing is a waste of time that meeting other people is a good thing, because it is spreading God’s love… but the thing I’m worried about is not God’s love, because that’s perfect, but ‘human’s’ love which is conditional and twisted and fraught with so many control mechanisms… mechanisms that sometimes fail and cause so much hurt and pain… but without the hurt you can’t know how blessed you are when the love is real…you can’t grow…

Why do I do this? Why do I cause myself so much anxiety and stress over ifs, maybes, and possibilities? Why can’t I just accept, like everyone else does, and simply go with the flow… just go on in the faith that I go on about… because I don’t live in a faith-filled world, nor is it one that practices much faith either… UGHHHH AAAAHHHH GRRR!!!!

I’m supposed to be chilled out through this whole process, supposed to be riding the flow with it all and clearly I’m not – my mind is telling me to just go and send Mr 14 my alias email address and see where it goes… Stop analysing his comments like his stuff was stolen – my response shows my opinion on crime in SA?… that he brings his mom into the picture in message 3 – what do I think of family?… that he’s asked me about unfair online dating – am I judgmental? … is it blasé conversation / chit chat / subliminal ways in which he is going through his check list – how much influence does the subconscious have on the consciousness? Which part of one’s being is really calling the shots and making the comments/replies in these scenarios?

So my mind is going manic over all this, which means I’ve stepped away from the faith and trust aspect that I went into this with and I’m taking it into my own hands again – not good. Why do I always do that? Hand it to God and then take it back again, like God can’t handle it, and I can’t trust Him? Man I irritate myself. . . Lord… What do I do… Go and email him my email address… baby step from there… see what happens… God will keep you … Oh Lord… In Your Hands… In Your Hands… Thy will be done and PLEASE DON’T LET ME BE LOSING THE PLOT here into insanity, not even with the justification of being a writer and naturally having voices all over the show in my head 😦 Thanks Lord, Amen