Unrequited Love – it happens – 4 & 5

Fourth, following on from the last blog, the guy becomes your last thought in the evening. This results in a hassle, because of social media at the touch of my fingers. A desire to “just see him once”, to “just check”, to “see him” … sadly, this is the worst thing to do. You don’t get to sleep if you “just check”. Instead, everything goes back to the memories, the hurts, the loves, the range of emotions from every angle I can think of, and ones I didn’t ever think I would think of. Stay away from the social media if you can and just deal with the ghost in your mind. I battle, battle, battle with the closing thoughts of the day and keeping the source of my unrequited love out of my mind. It is beyond a warzone in my head with everything going on. So often times – RESCUE – an herbal remedy just to push away all the emotional and physical energy surging through me…

5) Waking up, he is my first thought and it is not good to go to social media once again, because he will not have messaged me. He will not have checked my status. He will be getting on with his day without a thought about me, and all his thoughts will be on his day, his new girl, his next girl, his housemates, or dog, or whatever fills his home. It won’t be me and he won’t be messaging me. Stay away from that phone check first thing – it is devastating to the point of tears when he doesn’t show any interest and I have to reconcile my heart and soul and everything all over again to deal with the rejection that I feel – and yes, it is all imaginary, because it isn’t ‘rejection’, it’s just that he doesn’t give a **** – because he doesn’t, and that’s his choice, his life and that’s ok; he can’t force himself to feel what he doesn’t feel because I am sad. So all that I feel, if I check my phone first thing, wells into a black hole of nothingness that gives me a really, really sad day, because I looked at the phone for his name and it wasn’t there. Be kind to yourself. Delete all the information, so you can’t and won’t be able to see, so that your first thought is: “I can’t see anything anyway, and I am strong enough to accept his choices and rejection (even from my perception alone) is ok, is human and I will survive, so what better thing can I get on with this morning; this day, my life?”

I learnt during round one (2013 – after two years of hell) through “The Artist’s Way”, to roll out of bed and just put pen to paper and get it all out of my system before the day starts, so I am open to receive good things and not dwell on what I can’t change or the rejection that sits like a dagger, seeping pain from my heart and soul. A day at a time, a page at a time and slowly the dagger removes itself, but yes, the scar is always there…

Shy Girls’ stages for living through unrequited love

Ok, so you are a well-behaved girl, priorities in place, very little experience in the world of ‘love’ or ‘loving someone’ and with hardly any, if any, examples of unconditionally loving relationships to gauge anything by. This guy arrives on the scene, you think he may be interested, but you can’t be sure. You don’t really feel either way, you’re so busy getting on with the hell that your life has morphed into… then you kind of subconsciously notice odd things, like a comment he makes about something which would mean that 1) he remembered something and 2) he was actually paying attention to what you did or said… it is odd, no one ever pays attention to you or what you do or say, why would they? (Especially if you come from a loud family and have trained yourself to just keep quiet because you really don’t need to add to the hot air noise of others trying to ‘be better’ than others…)

Nevertheless, it would appear that this male who entered your workspace, hobby-space, friends’-space or whatever space appears to have awoken a reaction out of you and naturally, you discard it, because it is so weird and unfamiliar, that it would just take up too much brain space to try and figure out exactly what is going on here. Back to surviving the hell of your own life – naturally survival is the priority – not odd senses. Then, he goes out of his way to help you, notices that you did something when no-one else did, again, it’s odd. So you put it down to making things up in your head. BUT – If you were to imagine a guy liking a girl, because you have to imagine, because you’ve never experienced it – except through all those teenage love novels, which kind of gave you an idea, along with dozens of Walt Disney movies … yes, it would kind of look like this: he cares, he listens, he remembers, he observes, he helps, yes, it would be like those moments… but of course the guy doing the actions likes someone else, and has said so, so it makes it all VERY confusing. Back to survival.

BUT – the mind wanders … a nasty habit indeed … You know he is taken from what you have heard, and other comments made, but the attention you receive is definitely different to what other female interactions with him seem to appear to be.

Then you are doing something and you know that he is watching and you don’t know what to do about it, so you ignore it. He likes someone else, you are making it up in your imagination. Then you are in his line of sight, focusing on something else, but look up in time to see him get near whiplash moving his eyes away from you… and it’s like, running through your mind – did I just make this up? Am I seeing things? I must be, because he likes someone else and I’m not someone that anyone stares at… and if he was naturally being friendly, he would have smiled… maybe my eyebrows have grown skew, or my face doesn’t fit in again… who knows… but you do hope that his neck is ok, if your first instinct was right…

Anyway, this all goes on for a few weeks, or a couple of months – time morphs oddly through hell and love – nothing happens, because he never asks, and he gets shyer and shyer and eventually avoids you, and somewhere amidst all this frustration and confusion and morphed time, (purely because you have no idea or experience in any of this ‘love’ mumbo jumbo that apparently originated with birds and bees) THAT moment happens. How insects could possibly be connected to humans, who knows. Anyway – out of nowhere – literally – at a Christmas function, or watching a show together, or hot-seating desks next to each other, or bumping into one another at the coffee machine – BAM it HITS! – the “Oh Shit” moment – THAT moment – the moment mother’s lines “I heaved you from these loins” makes a whole lot of sense in both the heaving and the path to childbirth. Pulse increases, yearning and throbbing and pulsating and everything just goes, yes, yes, yes, I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life, even if it’s in a hospital or I’m in charge of giving you your meds – BAM – THAT MOMENT when you enter the hell of unrequited love {like the hell of your ‘normal’ life already wasn’t enough}. What do you do with THAT moment? How the heck do you explain THAT MOMENT? How do you live through and out of THAT MOMENT? With seriously mother-flipping difficulty – that’s how – it sucks … everything after THAT moment just sucks piles.

He leaves the company, hobby or whatever to be with the girl he was after all along – not you… if you mention all that he did and said and the information you gathered, in your desperation to make sure you weren’t making it up, or going insane, he will tell you that you are psycho… even if it is in a polite “just please don’t contact me again” kind of way… alternatively, you don’t say a word, and still, he doesn’t contact you again after leaving… it turns out that the long, deep, meaningful conversations you had BEFORE the “Oh Shit” moment – were actually only meaningful to you – he only, by some alien infestation in his brain for one moment in the entire expanse of time, remembered what you said or did for the one sentence, that was it. Sorry.

So he’s gone. You’re alone. Everything REPLAYS over and over and over again. Cheers to sleep, cheers to sanity (which you ironically DID HAVE before this nincompoop arrived in your life), cheers to ever believing in yourself again, cheers to trusting yourself (and sadly, sometimes your Higher Power too) and cheers to all the love and joy and dream-chasing, whole woman you were before you ached, you longed, you felt you were missing something… now you get to miss someone – who was never yours to begin with, because aliens were manipulating him (and preventing neck-whiplash in the process).

So – SOCIAL MEDIA – THE WORST! Stalking him at your fingertips – EVEN worse if he checks WatsApp statuses – that’s a killer, his little circle profile pic popping up on your phone uninvited, but desperately longed for … you see his pic unexpectedly, and BAM there’s a set of daggers stabbing your chest and you didn’t even sign up to be the target board at the funfair. Facebook, DO NOT befriend him – DO NOT – the pictures with his girlfriend – that WILL make his words true and officially you become the psycho he insinuated you are … you will see how he doesn’t actually ‘hold’ her in the photos, that it’s purely an ego grin / fake smile, and that one office party photo you have when you were caught off guard chatting together and his whole face is lit up with an incredible smile from his Soul… nope, his girlfriend photos will not be the same as the photo with you. BUT – HE CHOSE HER. So, get over it, get off Facebook, delete him {and the 600 WatsApps of meaningful 21st century styled ‘conversation’ between your phones over the morphed time period} and block him off your social media… scary part is, and the heart-breaking part – he isn’t even going to notice – WHY – because he isn’t stalking you… No to LinkedIn, no to Instagram, no to Twitter, no, no, no… torturing yourself every day is silly. Sacrificing all you are and all your brain time to this guy, who battles to keep aliens out of his head, is daft. You have so much to give. Even being on social media, it creates knots in your stomach, like he is on at the same time, you log on once a day and bam – he’s online at the same time – and your tummy runs with the nerves and the craziness of the situation and what you want to type (DO NOT TYPE), even your stomach is at odds. Get off the social media. Don’t post statuses ‘for him’, hoping he will read them and change his mind – he won’t. Delete his number so he cannot read them.

Besides, I promise you, you will have enough to get through without the social media – burning lips out of nowhere, like you are kissing him – and you will not be able to get rid of the burning, and it will literally feel like you are pyscho… even the GP cannot explain burning lips… Exhausted Adrenal Glands do lead to this though… also the daggers in the chest, a piercing pain through all of you… that doesn’t go away either … but often, a dose of alkaline powder, or anything that helps stop acid, can help, but sometimes it doesn’t and that pain, as you cry your brokenness into your pillow, stays … you aren’t alone, I have cried brokenness into my pillow too… I’m on round two – whilst the energy residue of round one still hasn’t left my kinesphere. The guy’s name – it is going to pop up in books, in newspapers, magazines, films, TV shows, other colleagues, conversations – the residue is going to hang worse than a 100-year-old house’s cobwebs. Whatever you associated with him: golf, rugby, ballroom dancing, blue car, chewing gum, whatever, that will also pop up everywhere and the associations at times will literally be unbearable – KEEP GOING! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE – keep going. Keep going through the craziness, keep pushing on without him, delete all you need to to keep yourself sane and give your mind less to return to – he left the building by his choice, he’s dating someone else by his choice, don’t disrespect him by showing him to be incapable of making choices, if he is meant for you, show him you respect him, by respecting his choices. Be real. Go off to your own space – WRITE, put your pain into lyrics, poetry, song, blogs, plays, novels. Go off and draw with ink, colour, charcoal, whatever is new. Create love tweets for everyone but him, he chose someone else – remember – but you have to let that love flow. Help Animal Cruelty. Read the Bible – the only book written by someone who UNCONDITIONALLY LOVES you. Join a new group of dancers, runners, gymnasts, painters, artists, photographers, swimmers, whatever – just go out and do… and when the long, hard, ghost-filled night comes around – as it always does – wait it out, be kind to yourself, take herbal “rescue” tablets, push through the dark, difficult nights… for they are showing you the strength you have, the humanity you possess and the gorgeous depth of Spirit and Love and Awesomeness that are within you – they are powerful and need to be embraced, accepted, observed and learnt from… because it is preparing you for something greater – and you need to push through to get to embrace whatever that ‘greater’ may be … and it’s going to be awesome!

Keep going – you aren’t alone – you are awesome – stay shy, stay kind, stay lovely – grow stronger, push yourself, astound yourself – you got this, and if you got God, well, heh heh, then it’s all even so much more incredible!!! Love it!

Trying to stay in the game…

Think before you Vote – South African play for schools


So – I may be stuck in a 24-7 job (literally 😦 ) and have no time to do what I love and write… but, at least I am keeping in the loop with what I have done in the past…

Continually praying for a new, less stressful, less all-consuming job for tuppence…

Hmmm  – I think I’m supposed to change that into the positive – Praying for a new, happening, enjoyable, inspiring, uplifting, motivational and well paid job, that gives me time… relaxation, joy, peace…


Uplifting those who want to do good things for a better South Africa

As 250 delegates in the South African Parliament Buildings unite peacefully from 13h30 to 16h00 today (24 Nov), I am grateful. I am grateful that there are people willing to put their words into action. I am grateful that there are still people around who practise insurmountable faith. I am grateful that there are people living in my country who know the power of positive thoughts, who trust in the goal of peace, who know that South Africa is a beautiful, amazing and wonderful country that is worth holding on to and praying for. South Africa is worthy of praise, it is worthy of love, it is full of incredible, persevering, resilient and faith-filled individuals, many of whom will be joining their hearts and minds, together with the 250 people in the parliament buildings, to show that they believe in better. To show that man does not need to bow down to and accept the egos, selfishness, materialism and injustice of men living for themselves alone; that man can choose to acknowledge and be governed by what is Higher than broken men; more Worthy than criminality; more Loving than hurting men; more Grace-Abounding than revengeful men; more Trustworthy than selfish-ego-driven individuals; and more Wise and Awesome than the limited capacity of man. I am grateful for those serving more than a consumerist Black Friday, more than a bank account that has no meaning in eternity, and more than the instability and unreliability of themselves. I am so very grateful for the Amazing Power of Jesus Christ and Our Father in Heaven. I lift up hope, faith, peace, love, and all the things that my home country needs, to The Provider, The Ultimate, The ONLY who won’t let us down, and I am Thankful for the privilege and freedom that my country gives me to publically state this, and openly acknowledge that I LOVE my Country and My Father. I pray that all those around me will – in word, deed, action and thought – let victory be found in LOVE and a regeneration of the inherent goodness of South Africa and South Africans. In the Awesome Name of God, I lift up great thoughts and gratitude. AMEN!

25 Sept 2014 – God’s present

One thing that I have undoubtedly learnt over the past few years through writing ‘Eish!’, through travels, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, unemployment for 8 months, and so much more, is that God is ALWAYS present. He is there no matter what the world and this often ghastly life has thrown at me, God has been there in the details, in the timing, in the words, in the moments, offering me hope and light, if only I care to look.

Yet another example has been the last 48 hours. As I sit trying to catch-up 5 grades of marking, trying to help a young lady new to teaching to take over an experienced teacher’s load, trying to balance the old teacher popping in and out to check on things, balancing my health, trying to accept and adapt to the changed dynamic of my family unit as it has dissolved from one into 5 separate entities that function without much union, more car challenges, Body Corporate nastiness and just generally trying to get through my grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, ironing and the ‘normal’ I-must-eat-and-shower functions of a day… I am sitting back in awe. I’ve managed to catch-up grade 8-11 and get marks in for the deadline, but I didn’t realise that my grade 12s were back tomorrow (26/9/14) so I haven’t completed their marking, yet I will still meet next Wednesday’s deadline for their reports. So it’s only a half fail… why I couldn’t force myself to mark tonight? Because this morning I received the stunning (as in stunned) news that stops everyone from functioning for awhile. . .

48 hours ago my very tired self decided to break away from the mayhem and watch a movie with a friend. I felt called to watch the movie called “The Giver” on the ‘big screen’. Wow, so much for a break. It was a highly truthful movie that hit both of us in the gut so hard that we didn’t leave until all the credits were done and the cleaners were dusting us out. I was really pleased to see that the work of truth I had seen had been partly sponsored by our very own Dept of Trade and Industry. It gave me a little bit of hope in a government that I do not trust at all. The movie plot compares: a life without choice, a life without emotions or fear or hate or religion (ring in John Lennon and ‘Imagine’), a life without love; to the past experiences of man that resounded in choice, fear, hate, love, joy, peace, war and all the mayhem of being human. It compared them visually too via a black and white world and a world of colour. I sat there and watched ‘The Giver’ transfer memories of love, joy, hurt, pain, death and every nuance and subtly of the glorious experience of being human onto ‘The Receiver’. Everything that has been resounding in my readings and experiences of late culminated in the film. LIFE is all of it, every tear, every laugh, every hug, argument, birth, wedding funeral. Every moment is its own blessing and each moment needs to be lived, loved and appreciated in the miracle of itself and that it cannot be compared to any other moment that has existed or will ever exist. Moments are as unique as the billions of people living them every second; such is the miracle and beauty of life. When it is done it is done, be still and know that I am God…

I watched the movie, absorbed it, related to it and conversed around it afterwards. I found peace in the knowing that each moment simply: is; and each moment is truly incredible in and of itself, as the next moment will be too, if we allow it to be and we recognise its phenomenal essence and purpose within the whole of relativity. A moment’s fleeting presence and its true existence as a gift, a present from God to each of us. Such beauty and fragility, such preciousness and divinity to be found if only it is looked for. I spent Wednesday in the aftermath of acceptance. I then awoke this morning, prepared for school and received an email in my inbox from a dear learner I taught from 2011-2013. She was emailing me to let me know her classmate, Angel, had passed away the day before. The Wednesday I spent catching up marking, Angel breathed her last breath in ICU.

19 years old, so many hours invested into her education, so much time to build her up and prepare her for life, gone. The hopes of her friends and family, the precious moments of life for her, gone. I cried quiet tears all morning as my torn heart overflowed by seeping through my tear-ducts. I realised through the sadness that I had done my job, that she had left my class improved for the experience, appreciative and without any grudges towards me, or me towards her, even though she had been one challenging learner to teach. She walked out more balanced, more hopeful and ready to try and find her way in the world, only to have it cut short 9 months later. I realised the importance of not holding things against others, the importance of clearing the air and being up front and honest with people as I always was with Angel. I also realised that being a teacher is the ultimate job of hope. We educate, we build up, we encourage, we motivate, we discipline, we create, we help, we chastise, we enter our work day each and every day with the fundamental truth of hope. Hope to better others’ lives, improve others’ chances and create better odds for everyone we encounter. Hope, because that life we invest so much of our time into may not achieve much, by their own choice, or by fate, but even so, every day we teach in the hope that something good will come out of it all. Something that will create more hope and solve problems for which solutions have not been found as yet. Teachers really are daily practitioners who live on hope. Not big bank accounts, not profit share, not making the kill, not getting our backs’ scratched, but hope that somehow we are making the world a better place, somehow. . . today the ‘cliché’ that so many hold against us because they are not doing anything to help others, so they cover their guilt with arrogance and material, consumerist success; today that cliché resonated in my being as Angel was being mourned and my hopes at the difference she would maybe make were dashed… yet I carried on teaching, because the 150 odd girls crossing my path this year, they might just make it and reward my hope with a more beautiful world for the person they chose to become after crossing my path.

Lord, Angel is home with You, enjoy your time together, this one knows how to party 😉 She’s big on the present xx

I look at it all and I am thankful for the perfect timing of “The Giver”, for the grace of having an extended matric deadline and for knowing that this too shall pass and I shall be still and know My God Is God and all is good.

Once again, an emotional day, a draining day, and I couldn’t get through my marking… sigh…

29.1 Dec 2013… it takes 18 years…

It seems that my Artist’s Way Journey is unleashing a whole lot of expression from my corner of existence. I feel like I have taken on a bug that is nagging me to type, type, type! I’ll be casually living through my day, doing the same as you: wake, eat, clean, eat, breathe, do, eat, sleep… and BAM! Slap bam in the middle of my dreary ‘normalness’ something will happen and my other-self is like, you must blog about that, and that, and that… and I’m like, woah, who am I to go typing my observations to the world? Who am I to go passing an opinion on things? And the answer… You are part of everyone…

Funny, I spent 2004 & 2005 with prayers asking God to help me stop asking and start listening… what happens? God answered and now I’m always listening! Like my awareness levels escalated from the already high level (in comparisons to the zombies around me who battle to even answer a question… e.g. Ques: “How are you?”, Answer: “May I take your order?” Or “Would you like a packet?” Or “Do you have a card?”… In absurdist terminology it’s called “cross-talk”). So I hear stuff now, in my mind, my soul, through others and media and all the rest, like there is a frequency going on through tone, body language, inflection patterns and my gut knowing. It’s not that cool though, because I often second guess myself: “Surely not.” “Shannan, it can’t be.” “Think again.” I never know if I’m making it up in my imagination or if The Universe / God / The Power That Is is simply answering my prayer with truth.

So this blog / insight has been pestering me for over 24 hours now… Jacque Kallis. A famous South African cricketer is currently completing his final test match of his international cricket career. The TV commentators took the entire lunch break yesterday to go through Kallis’s achievements and how awesome his career has been. His uniqueness comes in that he has been both a high achieving batsman, bowler and slip fielder. Yesterday he was lying fourth in the world’s all time best run scorers. In all honesty he’s never been one of my favourites, I preferred Jonty Rhodes, Pollock and Allan Donald, but that’s by the by, Kallis has outdone them all. But here’s the thing that struck me: His career began in 1995, so he has needed 18 YEARS to build up his scorecard. 18 YEARS of standing out in the sun hitting, throwing and catching a ball, to be respected by his peers. It struck me that as I seem to currently be in a lost space of what to do with my life, and after 7 career changes that I should know by now, that maybe I just need to force myself to stay stuck in something. .. at that thought my soul gasped in protest! Which is the better option? I don’t know… stay stuck and force the achievement, or keep wandering until it’s the choice to stay? Does the forcing create the choice? Or does the forcing create a man-made rut of a comfort-zone with debt and bills? Does the rut create the zombie?

Hmmmmmm, I’m listening to something telling me: “Don’t you dare force me to stay stuck!” … I don’t think I could do 18 YEARS of hitting ball… I’m too much in the habit of running through open doors… but then, maybe, just maybe, if I stick to typing blogs for 18 years I may just become respected for it 😉

Hope you aren’t a zombie or forcing yourself stuck… be all you were made to be… give it 18 years… We all have to start somewhere though, I think I may have jumped in with Artist’s way… Wishing you a year of jumping into AWESOME new beginnings that will find you Loved and Respected in due course.
BE BLESSED & BE A BLESSING – Hugs to you! Shannan