Day 62 Wednesday in lockdown Corona RSA

This afternoon my WatsApp filled with messages about the Teacher Unions not wanting teachers to go back to school in my province because the schools have not been adequately prepared with PPEs to go ahead. Some schools haven’t even been provided with water. Unions are calling for teachers to stand together and not return to school tomorrow… Apparently the MEC of the Education for our province is speaking at 7pm this eve.

ECR 6pm news
Northern KZN town has two mayors, so they are asking the MEC to decide who the mayor is, because a mayor should not have been chosen or employed during the lockdown.
KZN Unions not wanting teachers to return, made the news.
The body of a decomposing woman was found floating in a Phoenix river.
AND… Two NASA astronauts can’t take off because of a tropical storm in South Carolina. The private company may wait for Saturday to send the astronauts into space.
My comment – if our planet is such a mess, that it has generated a virus to try and extinguish us, should we really be virusing ourselves out onto other planets? Really?

Yes, so I took a mild sleeping tablet last night, in the hope that I would sleep through. I didn’t.
Waking up this morning, surprise, surprise, my standard Corona downcast Self was on form. I tried to watch an Andy Stanley DVD, but it cut out. I tried again. It cut out again. A different episode on the DVD, it also cut out twice. I gave up.

Then the day was full of Body Corporate politics over garden services payments, and then also the water coming out of the flat on the second floor. She says the Trustees must pay to fix her flat’s water problem! She has a flat with water coming into the passageway, putting people walking down the stairs at risk; ruining the side of the building where the water runs down and sending up the water bill for the block. Dear Lord, I continue to pray that YOU would step in and resolve this water issue and the way people don’t take responsibility for themselves. Please fix this Father, change hearts and minds so that it can be fixed and safe. Please Lord.

That was all going on with online teaching in the usual black hole, whilst the dongle Wifi kept cutting out. Everything was so super frustrating. At least my mom did pop past to check on me through the fence. Broken down telephones between family members over my day yesterday saw a message coming to me this morning: they were sorry I wasn’t allowed into school… Ag la la!

Then over an hour with a consultant on the phone between laptop and mobile App to try and resolve another administrative nightmare. All this whilst I am so tired. Never mind trying to get through medical aid forms and housing allowance forms.

Then the wires were burning over the Trade Unions and opening the school for teachers tomorrow… I am just so tired. WatsApp message at 18h30 that we will be back at school tomorrow. I don’t belong to a union yet, so there I shall be… Dear Lord be with us all. Amen.

Good news for the day, my tour guide friend in Italy is allowed to go back to work with various protocols, but at least she can earn an income now. Thanks Lord!

Day 50 of Corona lockdown RSA

Deaths increased by 19 to 238

Cases increased by 665 to 12739

Recovery at 5676

This morning… I woke up with what I thought was time to get to a non-confirmed appointment, but the service provider didn’t receive enough notice from me; so it did not happen. I turned my car around. Sat in my car looking at the sunrise from the east over Moses Mabida stadium, from Currie Road… and sobbed my heart out.

A man came to my window for directions… he didn’t even have proof of address 🤷‍♀️ it was weird and awkward, I put on my mask mid-conversation – when is it an insult? He was outside and not wearing a mask… the natural desire to help, versus self-preservation over an invisible bug.

Eventually I managed to make myself drive off. Back at my block an hour after leaving, I emailed the owner of the second floor flat because the empty flat is still leaking water into the stairwell… seriously – Lord, please, please, please take this into Your Hands – please. I can’t fight with an adult who is blatantly depreciating the value of the property in her responsibility; who is clearly causing water bill increase to all of us. Lord, I cannot fight this battle – please get her to sort out the flat. Please.

Then emailing the GEMS consultant because I still hadn’t received the required documents from Wednesday.

I moved to my flat from my car – emotionally on edge. Cried as I baked choc chip muffins  baking usually helps … more tears

Then my nieces called, all excited on the phone “Aunty Shanny, you have to draw princess for us…” followed by them remembering and listing Disney’s princesses between them… I don’t know how they didn’t hear my tears… bless them and their youthful, excited energy – so precious. My sister sent some pictures through for me to choose from and draw… not today… not today…

More tears… I sent the practical work through to the WhatsApp Groups – good thing they are non-responsive… I ate the muffins whilst drinking vanilla tea.

The day … I felt like I was a ghost in my skin… depressed, exhausted, sore spine and so very alone… like all of the 50 days of lockdown smacked me in a full body puncg6, pushing me out of me, leaving a lost, hollow being behind…

It was so awful. So very awful.

I managed to engage with one parent and one learner to create an example of the script they needed to create… 4 submissions so far and 4 different takes on the task, none of them connected correctly to the task… no idea what the other 16 look like – and they don’t want to engage… I feel so useless and helpless…

Don’t people know that silence breaks relationship? You cannot be silent in life… silence breaks and destroys, if it is the response to questions … silence in the discussion, and relationship context, breaks everything…

Nothing left in me, I went to lie down. My fatigue humming on my system. My conscience buzzing that I should be doing something… too much to do to be broken. O picked up my phone to delete some of the 3600 odd WatsApp pics… memory lane… time moves for everyone and I feel so stuck. I came across a horrendous looking puppy that was drenched, and the comment was something like: ‘I survived the week… did you?’

I sent it off… the response: we are all in a seriously difficult space… layoffs, retrenchments, teaching black holes, fears connected to health “comorbidity” (a new word I learnt) … it is just a mess… everything Corona is such a mess.

Help us through Dear Father, help us through. Thank You Lord. Amen!

6pm News on East Coast Radio:

Zululand municipality under review for fraud… 21 days to get back to the MEC over fraud and corruption allegations in a report.

Drugs worth 6.3mill Rand – ecstasy & another drug were found hidden amongst furniture in an import delivery to Cape Town. The police also found R120000 cannabis in his home in connection with his arrest.

Comrades marathon has been cancelled.

Facebook is buying Giffy…

Such is this evening’s news in South Africa.

Day 47… a challenging Locked Down Day in SA

Sleep didn’t really happen last night – odd dozing pattern – Rescue and Panado. I have a serious twitch in my spine that is causing serious headaches. I need to go back to the chiropractor.

My alarm didn’t go off on time, so it is a lucky thing that it is only me taking out the bins. We had two bins less trash than normal. Looks like the ban on booze is also helping to create less refuge. The pro’s of the lockdown for nature have been phenomenal across the globe… I headed down and moved the bins in front of the gate; queuing them to take them out, there was barely space for a car. Sure enough the medical practitioner from the 4th floor came down to her car. Sat in it for two bin movements from Eastern fence to the Southern gate. Then she somehow, I have no idea how, managed to get her little car between the wall and the bins. The gate didn’t open quickly enough so she had opened her car door to complain to me with yet another big wheelie bin in my hand. Then she realised the gate was working so she got into her car and drove off to work. I then opened the gate to take the bins out; and the guys who go through the bins helped me by taking them into the road.

07h45 ish, I headed out the property on an hour 10 minute-odd walk. The entertainment for my walk was a very loud guy walking with two other guys. The loud guy did not keep quiet at all! It was unbelievable that someone could talk that much. I was grateful that it was only about 800m that I was subjected to the noise and opinions. At a large road, it used to be Marriott Road, no idea what “Problem” name it has now. Any who, the road runs up for a very long kill at about 45 degrees, one of the roads where you have to drop gears. Anyway, this young guy is running up the road with a full, round car tyre tread attached by a rope to his waist. He had been up and down the road 6 times already. He said he had to do it because he had been locked up too long! I think his frustration is matched by a huge chunk of the South African population. Today, I felt it, the claustrophobia, the purposeless helplessness, in such a huge way. I couldn’t shake the incredibly dark cloud that consumed my subconscious today. It was so horrid. It didn’t help that it was rubbish collection day. I have never walked on a Tuesday morning before. Bags and bags and more smelly bags everywhere. My mind was working through where all the waste goes? Then more men all along the way ripping open the filthy bags for the “treasures” they seek in the vomit-inducing smells. I recalled all the waste of past walks, left rubbish in corners and behind electricity hubs… it is not the people throwing away the rubbish who are causing the filth in the streets, it is the people inbetween the movement from the home to the garbage truck who are leaving the rot. It is all just such a helpless cycle – a severely depressing one.

I returned to my block. 9am and garbage still there, but messy around the bins now, so I went down with a glove to put it in the bins. I felt bad, someone had left an open meal – I think 🤷‍♀️ – on the tarmac with a spoon. I lifted it up to the top of the rubbish in the bin – why didn’t that person just find someone and give them the food? Why leave it on the tarmac? I don’t understand people.

I tried not to touch things in my flat for my grade 9 lesson. Unfortunately, after breakfast and my array of tablets, the WiFi wouldn’t connect – so I was late for class. Then the connection kept cutting out, so it looked like I wasn’t teaching. Eventually, I managed to go stay connected. I also tried to get one of my radio adverts into the Google Classroom and NOTHING worked, so I could not use them as examples. So frustrating. Thank the Lord I spent about two hours (roughly) prepping yesterday, or it would have been a bigger disaster. Once again, the juniors were asking for a Zoom Lesson. How can some have so much data and others not even a device? This is such a ridiculously unbalanced, unequal, heart-breaking life in so many ways. Most likely, because I didn’t have written quiet time with God – it made it all the worse.

To top it off the rubbish collection guys arrived as the lesson started… and guess what? Guess how long the empty bins sat out in the road? Over an hour – that is how long. Until I went down to collect them to clean. Once again the lady from the first floor and the very elderly ex-teacher helped me. The lady from the first floor works at a Nursery school. So the three people in the profession of education still doing all the work. The irony in the global picture – teachers doing all the work to get learners through… microcosm meets macrosm. Once again BMW man sauntered past barely acknowledging the three ladies. No lady friend with him today though.

Back upstairs for a full shower and hair wash. Even scrubbing, as their was seriously vomit-inducing smells today… and the flipping smell followed me all day. I even put double the washing tablets into the machine. Oi vey that machine 🤦‍♀️🙀 it sounds like a giant piece of wood is clubbing the interior as the spin builds up. It is quite frightening. I have no idea what level will allow me to buy a new one, or when I will find the time.

I hung the washing after my Grade 8 lesson and then had to try and escape myself, the smells, the helplessness. (Whilst typing this I had to move away from the window because of expletive beneath me neighbour.)

I headed to La Lucia and did a shop – so much is not available. It is a frustrating first world problem indeed. The number of beggars at the traffic lights has escalated greatly too – which just created more depression. This looming desire to just escape all the inequality and suffering. This earth does not deserve humans. Lord, what were You thinking?

Then I tried to get out of the parking at the mall… the machines are only accepting tap cards and cards in the machines. 4 machines later with two rejections of my credit card, I eventually paid for parking. I went straight to the nearby bank branch; petrified someone had hacked my card. Thank You Lord! It was fine. Now I have to park in free parking. So annoying. Once again, a silly, silly, silly first world problem!

I drove passed my mom’s and dropped off a pot plant of beautiful red flowers for her. Her belated Mothers’ Day gift. We chatted into the darkness of the early setting sun. She echoed all the frustrations of people who are stuck in their homes, not knowing where their next meal is coming from. The rate-payers association are trying to get rates reduced because people need to eat. My mom mentioned a huge altercation that happened in Ballito where security arrested the adults, and left the kids there, after the dad screamed and fought for his son to be let go – apparently the footage has gone viral… I think it is better that I am in my little bubble. Frustrations of teaching as I am are enough. The garbage and tenants are enough. I can feel the sadness, struggle and suffering of the world without the TV, Facebook and other media movements feeding it. Even Twitter are now filtering the feeds as their is too much fake news causing problems through their app.

Dear Father God, help me seek You, for nothing else makes sense, nothing else can take away the helplessness, nothing else can sustain me like You do. Thank You Father, Thank You Lord. Amen!

Day 43, 8 May 2020, year of Corona lockdown

News: USA has it’s highest unemployment rate in over a decade. It jumped up by around 10% through April. Rate is just over 14%. Trump says it is to be expected and not a problem because he will bring the jobs back. It would be interesting to read what South Africa’s unemployment rate is, we’re normally around 26%. Corona has hit morale, economy, emotions, stress levels, hunger and abuse levels, nature certainly knows how to make her strength and power known.

Lots of media crossing my path today, from people getting pay cuts, to a few people taking their children out of school and into home-schooling or online schooling. Then the flip side of hearing of a parent removing their child from a school using online platforms to one that isn’t. The parent wants their child to be at a school where everyone is behind; so they will all catch up when schools eventually return. This was a whole new spin on things for me. Dr Jansen lambasting the government, over which I was actually very annoyed. He is not the one making decisions with so much pressure and so little history to work with. This is a confused, topsy turvy season. No-one has answers. No-one knows when a vaccine will appear. No-one knows if the virus stays in the system, or can be re-contracted, or can morph into a new strain. No-one knows.

Such is life in the 21st century, a roller coaster of the most uncontrollable type ever. Relying on anything involved in an uncontrollable, evolving and fluctuating world, just doesn’t seem a very wise or stable thing to do.

In all this change and uncertainty, my worst, I am such a comfort zone person, finding stability is a challenge. I have honestly found all this uncertainty and goalless, timeless time rather emotionally taxing. Having a date to return to school had turned into a reason to keep going. Today, receiving the letter from the Department of Education about moving the return date was annoying and a let down, even if it had good cause.

Don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying my own timetable and the joy of waking up when I do; of not rushing anywhere and taking it slow; but I am not motivated. When I am busy with my “to do” list, and running busy, things get done. Here, 6 weeks down, and I have not made it through even two things on a long ‘to do’ list. Nothing has importance in this space of waiting, nothing “has” to get done. It is a very debilitating space for me. It is when someone is coming to visit that I get things sparkling. It is when I am going out that I get out of track pants… this space; there is no reason to do anything, and I am battling with the low morale. If I do get some energy, then I remember that I cannot buy that, or go to that consultant, or visit that person… so then it just falls flat… Corona, it has taken its toll in so many ways.

The actual day itself, this Friday, low morale and I plugged on. I wanted to do some yoga, so put on the clothing, and 10 hours later, I have not gotten there yet… ugh.


Sent motivational video.

Spent an hour replying to parent emails and more confusion over the same assignment queries I dealt with yesterday. I wish the youth of today could read to retain and understand. There were words spoken in “Suits” last night – last episode of Season 1 – “I don’t think of myself as smart. I think of other people as ‘not smart’.” Paraphrased. That was what I was thinking of today… is that arrogance? Sigh.

I sent Drama rehearsal warm ups and stretches to the WatsApp groups. Then spent the rest of the time trying to read up on the Government Employee Medical Scheme. I am officially on the State pay roll, which creates challenges with regard to my employer no longer paying my medical aid. Murphy’s law waiting in the dark corners if I don’t sort this out as soon as possible.

I took the “Boundaries” advice – “always have someone else to ask’. When I didn’t have luck in one place I kept knocking on doors. Turns out that it is only if you are on the government medical aid will two thirds be contributed. I will have to get GAP cover with it too. There are tax implications for getting medical aid assistance too apparently… I have been with my medical aid for 19 years, thousands down a Murphy’s Law, take your chances black hole… third world country luxury as I battle with my first world problems. I don’t like change; but the bottom line is I need the financial help… There are so many more adult efforts and challenges i experience as a single income home. I have NO idea how single parents survive. No idea.

So my morale was challenging today, trying to pick up some motivation, whilst dealing with adult-ing decisions. That dark space of envy returned again as I thought of famous musicians and actors in TV series who are worth millions, how does that “luck” work? Seriously? Still, grateful I have an extended circle of people to ask.

Praying that I do make the right choice and that these challenging times of COVID-19 where I have no printer, no way of signing and scanning, and limited ability to travel freely to meet people, won’t result in any mistakes on my medical aid in this pandemic.

6pm Radio News Watch: “Smokers have more likelihood of suffering severe illness and dying of COVID-19” WHO conference today, evidence from smokers who were admitted to hospital. 2) African countries want sanctions against Zimbabwe and Sudan to be lifted immediately…

1) Wondering if my neighbours know about the smoking implications – doubt they care, addicts… I was always told: “Never start, that is the only way you won’t ever have to make yourself stop”.

2) Lift sanctions. Two sides of the coin – should getting out of your injustices be so easy? Should humanity requirements be reason to lift the sanctions?

Adult-ing, not my favouritist thing in the world at all!

Day 41 Corona lock down continued…

World cases of COVID-19: over 3.68 million.

SOUTH AFRICA: over 7572

World recoveries: over 1.21 million

SOUTH AFRICA: over 2746

World deaths: over 258 000

SOUTH AFRICA: over 148

Those numbers have had quite a frightening rise in but a few days; so reveals the internet. The news said that South Africa have a nurse and doctor amongst those who have passed away. There are over 500 medical practitioners in those infected numbers. Third world country lack of resources may be a reason…

And whilst the world is topsy turvy. I had to live out my Wednesday, after a Tuesday night with barely any sleep 🤷‍♀️

Just after 7am, as my bowels were battling in the lavatory, my phone kept ringing. I was worried because no-one phones me and not at this hour unless it is a family emergency… I eventually managed to get to the phone. I didn’t know the number. Who would be up at this hour? Plumbers. Ugh. I phoned the number back. S’trus Bob. The plumber arriving five minutes. Seriously! Eish! I barely managed to change into track pants.

There he was at the gate. . . Turns out there was a huge amount of slime and oil blocking the one drain from the residents’ sinks. The second drain was blocked by sand, plant roots growing under the concrete driveway (with no plants anywhere nearby) and mop strings, with a black African hair braid too… three times plugging through with the very long pipe to get the debris treasures out and the water flowing again. Garden Services – clearly cleaning mops in our middle stormwater drain. Ridiculous. . . Two hours later, a broken drain grid (from years of rust and being compounded by cars – now forcefully opened to remove plant life growing in the drain) and two unblocked drains; as the plumber left to go and source a concrete cover for the open sewerage pipe in the driveway. The previous cover was stolen – again. Now it was set (ha ha) to be a concrete cover.

By the time this was done I managed a 20 minute storm walk around the roads in the area, relieving annoyance. Returned to the flat to mop floors. I had suddenly remembered that COVID-19 was mostly transferred through shoes, so said a WatsApp video. My shoes have touched revolting things the last two days. Emailed the trustees the morning story.

Taught one grade 12! We had a conversation around the play’s theme of “identity”. The characters in the play are trying to identify if they are classifiable by the languages they speak, the colour of their skin, the faith they have, or the place they were born… in other words: what makes a “South African” a “South African” when residents are all so different?

Then the empty space and depressing nothingness of the grade 11 lesson. It was wonderful to be sharing with another teacher who has the same attendance rate that I do.

The plumber was back, ripping up concrete to fit the new drain cover. Outside sorting that. Back upstairs for a quick sandwich. Grade 10 lesson. My usual energy boost with the highest attendance. Dead. I posted what I could… my posted questions received silence. Back downstairs. They finish. We also have a flat with a leaking geyser and unavailable landlady, with the tenant in Swaziland. The joys when the managers don’t have keys. This is an ongoing leak that is damaging all the brick work. Dear Father God. Please step in and help this get sorted. Please. Thank You Lord.

Follow up on emails and WatsApps. Glad that the finished drain cover looks good and I feel like I have achieved something. I was supposed to fetch a “dongle” from the school for internet data help. A parent has loaned the device but she doesn’t know if it has data on it… grateful for the loan, but not sure how it will help me on my phone. Never seem or used one before 🤷‍♀️ Sent the drain pictures in apology to the person who organised the dongle.

Then studied “Boundaries” some more. The myths:

Having boundaries:

– is not selfish, it is a way of being a steward and protector of the gift of life given to you.

– is not disobedient, it is showing obedience to God.

– is not hurtful, the boundaries are a “litmus test” for the truth of the value and honesty of your relationships.

– does not cause anger. Boundaries create limits for creating better health.

– does not cause injury. The boundaries reveal who your faith is really in. No-one should replace God in your life.

– does not end relationships, it creates better, restored relationships.

The interesting point was to create an extensive support group, so if you get a “no” that someone cannot help you; then you have someone else to go to. “Never see another as the only source of good in the world.” The biggest thing hitting me through the last two days of study: I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MYSELF.

Then I read “Alone” some more. I just want to finish this book already, for some unknown reason.

Then it was dinner with a beautiful moonrise; after searching for motivational videos to send into the black hole of WatsApp.

Beautiful moon tonight indeed!

Day 29 locked down – a bad day :( but grateful it wasn’t anywhere near what others have to bare

3 million world infections expected by Monday and over 4000 South Africans.

I am sitting here typing after a hard tack drink, even with stomach ulcers – so anyone who knows me knows I have had enough.

Last night, I could not sleep again, probably due to the 12 odd hours screen time all over again. Then, when I eventually took way more than the prescribed dosage of Rescue tablets at midnight, I slept for two hours and then awoke with anxiety and panic attacks connected to “Google Classrooms”, receiving hundreds of assignments, and then trying to mark, but work from the poor spectrum of learner wasn’t there for deadline. Pitch black. Darkness and sweat and prayers.

Once again, as only I am, (and I have never heard anyone else speak of in themselves) my mind, body and soul were all separate again. My body freaking out in panic, my mind telling my body it is being ridiculous, and my soul declaring prayers that my mind didn’t think of. My body connected to this broken earth; held by its chronic fatigue, stomach ulcers, food intolerances and a never ending list of psychological challenges and daily emotional battles. My Soul connected to a divinity that is beyond my brain and understanding. A power that transgresses all the doubt and questioning I am perpetually exploring; and hosts a conviction, strength, resilience, hope, love and forgiveness that is not of me. Then my mind, observing my body and how annoying it is; observing my Soul, my faith, which is something that it does not understand. The mind pulling between the physical, the tangible, and the mystical and intangible.

Somehow, through all my inability to understand myself, the Soul takes its victory every time… every time the force for Soul-good moves mystically and ethereally (if that’s a word even), claiming ownership of my life and its ultimate story … and even that, at times, annoys my brain profusely. I have even given Soul a capital letter here! Why?

I have a fridge magnet I bought back in my early 20s: “I have had more trouble with myself than with any other person I have ever met.” Dwight Moody … but then I also have a coaster which makes me laugh out-loud every time I read it: “Every night the madness hamsters visit you, Every night they come, and bit by bit, They steal your brain, And feed it to their mum.” Edward Monkton. So clearly I was wise in my 20s.

So with two nights of broken efforts at sleep – this morning was a ghastly morning of inner tension and unsettled emotions. Stomach ulcers and dread. I couldn’t even manage to chill to journal effectively.

I left my flat at 9 for the ATM to sort out financial payments for May.

Queues into Woolworths at the mall were too annoying. So I went to Clicks. More data… I think I have passed the R500 mark by now ;( it is nuts. Thankfully one of my past pupils was working on the tills – such a blessing to see a joyful face, happy to see me in human, tangible space. Jyo! Walking past the foreign exchange bank display: R24 for £1! Eish; junk status looks like that. How are the UK keeping so much value in their currency when they have such a high death rate and are in semi-lock down too … I wonder… I drove home via work, scoping the place out because last night there were strict instructions not to go without a permit. I saw a car!

At my flat I packed for school to transfer dozens of documents to the Google Classrooms via school WiFi and direct access on my laptop … get there. Sweet talk security. Security escort to my classroom through locked doors and a gate. Plug in. Network down ;( three hours of transferring and downloading dozens of documents with my data ;( Laptop to phone by bluetooth. Bluetooth to Google Drive. I haven’t yet managed to upload every grades’ sets of documents from Google drive to Google Classroom… and my wrists have recently woken me up in spasming pain and my eyes continue to hurt from the little screens of my phones … no relief today ;( and the one way process of laptop to classroom, became a four step incompleted process, and the effort was ridiculously and needlessly time consuming … only one consolation – at least I was away from my 50 square metre flat!

Rush to get back to prep for online meeting at 3… no, they have changed their mind’s. 18h10.

Separate data depleting meeting at 4pm and on schedule …  exhausted afterwards I eat sugar, delay dinner, wait arbitrarily wasting time not showering etc, when I want bed, for the next meeting… 18h10… silence… WatsApp message 18h14, who of you is starting this call? ….silence… WatsApp phone… no answer… go to the phone I told them I am not using – where they can see the message has not gone through … 17h50: there is a storm, can we “meet” tomorrow … I lost it! (Fortunately, just to myself) and replied with the required “political correctness”: Monday afternoon.

Then another half an hour typing extensive agenda issues… to send it to deal with on Monday.

Still, my load is nowhere near that of the man who made a mask error after his address last night; and then addressed our country with humour about it today. A man who walks in the light of his faith; and shows his college days as head of an African Christian Society have taught him well….those Christians, that resilience, that light and inner joy, that ability to see the good – there is something so awesome in that…

How beautiful are these words written by Claire Lagerwall:

My President you’re tired
We can see it in your eyes
It’s not really something
You can easily hide

We see you across
Our television screens
Addressing the nation
On a history unseen

We see you stumble
Over words being said
And I pause to wonder
What’s going on in your head

Are you coping Sir
With all that you face
A broken nation
Looking to you for grace

Are you okay Mr President
You look so sad
Your eyes tell a story
I’m sorry it’s so bad

We pray for you
Hold you in our thoughts
This is a war
We have never fought

I’m glad that you’re ours
That we don’t have to share
That our precious nation
Is under your care

With our cries of faith
We trusted God for a man
Who could steer a nation
Into unknown lands

Thank you, my President
For being so brave
Whilst a nation is judging
Each move that you’ve made

We pray for you Sir
We really do
And we thank God
For a leader like you

#CoronaVirusSA #Cyril #Ramaphosa #mypresident

Day 23 Saturday’s lockdown diaries Corona wait for Godot existence

Title: UK Minister of Culture has called out to Britons to buy newspapers in this ‘existentialist crisis’ of newspapers dying out…

Whilst world infections: 2 256 844; SA 2 783

Global deaths: 154 350; SA 50

Global recoveries: 571 851; SA 903

So … hey … how are you? What is new in your space that you have been staring at for days?

Mine is the parking lot beneath my window that hosts various cars coming and going all day… it has even hosted braais and today four people hanging around an open car boot with their phones (6 hours so far)… at least they aren’t drinking and/or causing a scene. As a radio DJ said yesterday: he does not support the idea to bring back alcohol; because alcohol creates people who fight with police officers and each other, people with drunken injuries who take up hospital space and all the skills and time of emergency and essential staff in general. I liked his truthful commenting. Boozed people are just intoxicated and toxic-creating in so many ways; definitely nothing that is helpful in a global pandemic.

My day was a slow, slow, slow one; as weekends should be allowed to be. It began with hyperspasmol for my extended stomach ache 😦

I journalled for over an hour trying to work through so much. Then I moved into studying the book “Boundaries” – both for myself; as I grapple with understanding adults and some of their negative influence in my life that seriously effects and affects me too much; and as way of researching my next writing venture: “Educated Guessing – Focus on your own puzzle”. A concept that designed itself in my brain last year, and I have already blogged some of it… Overall the idea is to create material from all of my “growing/learning” experiences (that I wish someone had told me about before I had to live through it) that will assist young adults (or the late bloomers who are 60 year old 5 year olds – yes, I believe they do exist) to SEE themselves. So many people I come across are wasting THEIR lives (which are nowhere near “perfect” or in a place to judge/tell others how to live) butting into, and sticking their noses into, OTHER people’s lives… I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone would be more passionate about “sorting out” other people’s lives and avoiding their own mess of a life… no, I don’t believe anyone has a ‘perfect’ life or a giant book of answers in their home. Every human is completely different and there is never ‘only one way’ to do, or approach, anything. If you watched the attached TedTalk in my previous blog – he explains it well.

So today’s research:

I am responsible for me, and for creating myself and the boundaries around who I am. I must refrain from using: unproductive energy, fearful niceness, and over-responsibility.

My boundaries in keeping myself sane around adults I do not understand, must be built with: words (chief one being: “No”) and truth – honesty will give me integrity – and Biblical truth at that (which has remained unchanged and constant for thousands of years; never going out like a human ‘fad’) is the closest I will get to owning a “map for the path of life” (my words there, like quoting myself, because one day I might be cool like that #justsaying; like maybe).

I need to learn to physically separate myself from the energy-draining, annoying people; and, where possible give them and myself time to sort things out.

And (I know I shoudn’t start with a conjunction, but I forgive myself in this blogging context – blogging on through) I need to establish a firm and present support-base to assist in giving me new input, new teachings, and new ideas – I think this is why I naturally tend to drift to much older people for guidance… that has been tough lately as some are starting to pass away and it breaks me.

So the next section after how to build my protection of myself went onto explaining that I am responsible for myself and to others. I am NOT responsible for anyone else… and what are the parts of me for which I am responsible and must sort out and deal with? The following:

My feelings, attitudes, beliefs, behaviour, choices, values, limits,  talents, thoughts, desires and love.

Every one of those, I control and need to steer, organise, work with and move to be in line with the me who I want to be – easier said than done. So I have to carry on studying the book to work through the rest of the journey, and then translate it into “youthfully accessible material”.

Then it was lunch time and I did some laundry, spent too much time on WatsApp and then returned to a long lost joy of mine: prompt Twitter poetry. It has been years since last I played and I thoroughly enjoyed posting some responses today… Then, after MadVerse’s response for her “elite” group and tag, I recalled why I stopped writing to her posts way back when. It was quite delightful to see prompters from 2015 still prompting 😀

Such was my day … it was so lovely to have a friend reply to my WatsApp status on a photo of a glorious sunset I took from a bridge over a river yesterday – I didn’t even blog about that yesterday as the argument on my Online Class WatsApp group discoloured my whole day. Boundaries, I need to create boundaries to stop the other people’s very bad choices from effecting me so deeply … I just cannot stand disrespect from any human to another; and that I have to be in a space with such people wherever I travel on this earth – hate it. I would far prefer to be locked down in light, and with my own intelligent and caring self, than be “out there” having to witness people choosing hate… ugh …

A big topic in my journal this morning was trying to guess the human movements once release happens – I had visions of the Israelites after all their 40 year’s of wandering the desert with Moses in God’s imposed lock down… they lost it when they were “set free” from the desert… help us not to “lose it” when the rules relax Lord. Over-indulgence will surely do more damage than anyone needs



I am my tardis

This body may be small

But this Soul is infinite

The container of my mind

Holds all time & imagination Limitless within

A magical machine I am #micropoetry #vss #mpy #poetry

If I were chatting to God – a Lighthouse Parable idea

Well, in my efforts to post more blogs once more in 2019 … I can cover a variety of topics… so why not post my morning musing writings…

Here goes …

Lord? How do I get that joy, the joy of being with YOU to explode from me?


Heh heh, thanks Lord, wish I could come to terms with it all inside of me too… how does a lighthouse realise and know its light? How does a lighthouse stay motivated to keep going?


Lighthouses – Father – they stand alone – the ships out in the storm, they don’t come to the lighthouse and thank it for keeping them safe. . . They will go to YOU … maybe they will realise they should thank those who have helped them get to where they need to be, maybe not … Otherwise, I guess, the ships just dock and get on with things after their storm, or sail on through on their own to the next storm. The lighthouse just stands and shines.


I understand Lord, but that darkness, in the middle of the night can be so very, very dark.


True, and I would love to leave here and be PROPERLY home again Lord, I really would… how are those arrangements coming along?


Ugh, ja, ok, no, fine. Yes, I get it, not my timing… yet …

Making Love Happen – should I?

Can I? Should I? Is it wise? Have I read anything ‘right’? Am I making things up? What is the truth?

Once again, I was hit with another lightning moment with a single, young guy… it was unexpected in its intensity and once again, knocked me into the arena of “what the heck to I do with this?” especially as I got it so horribly wrong the last time it happened. Sure enough, to my absolute horror and astonishment, the whole expansion of my heart, the lust, the heart jumps, the anticipation, joy, conflict, confusion, and the everything that happened the last time repeated itself beat for beat. Thankfully, on the one hand, the universe moved and there was no Christmas party this time. Sadly, on another hand, he left the office and this time I didn’t… so I am stuck with memories and an empty space that I have to work through. Hence, I am working through the same things all over again in unrequited feelings and moments that I have to filter out of my system again, not that I completely managed to the first time… anyway, that’s a different story. So there is frustration at having to live through this all over again.

I sat this morning and wasted over 2 hours writing WhatsApp messages that I just sent to myself on my other phone. I can’t send what I want to him, as I learnt last time, because my honesty makes me look psycho and guys don’t like being confronted with raw truth and feelings from a girl. I can only assume, but I think that maybe they are right and I make everything up in my head… even though I go through everything and can’t find anything faulty that I did, except be honest… As I can’t see myself, there must be something else in the mix, but as communication lines aren’t open, I’ll never know, so I won’t be able to work on whatever my flaw / fault / unacceptable behaviour is and make it less intimidating / hurtful / whatever… tough one … and it makes sense that I am probably going to end up in the psycho box again. So I’ll just message myself and pray through the ridiculous number of times this being pops into my brain each day – so unhelpful!

Anyway, the Universe gave me loads of phone data for the week, so I ended up watching some video-links that friends have sent me… underneath a YouTube memorial song screen for a Nashville singer, there was a link to a chap by the name of Boggs – and he is a relationship coach… So I am like, why not… and I click on his YouTube video: To be attractive – Girls should be: 1) Passionate, as in full of energy when they do things and show enthusiasm… um, anyone who knows me, knows that I give my all in a sometimes reserved, but joyous way. I’ve even been told that I should be less reserved because God’s lamp should not be hidden, but I should be a like a light from a city on a hill… 2) Playful, well, heh heh, I have a childlike sense of humour and I am the one who will start singing in a store, or dancing when a good song comes on. Maybe I could be more playful, but it all depends on the context and a business office where my workload, schedule and fatigue are what they are, this is difficult… Lastly, positive, and that I am, I have a natural tendency to see the best in a situation and not make it out to be something dramatic or over the top. So, in listening to his talk, I was just confused as to why the two guys that rocked my world, left it all topsy turvey and sqwiff and nonsensical…

Next things Mr Bogg advises ladies to do is: Challenge him, Respect him, be aligned with him in that you naturally and automatically get along, be unpredictable and be excited about yourself, life and your relationship and activities. In yet another video, Bogg recommends: Laugh. I do. Your laughing at things makes others receptive to you. Smile. I do. A smile creates the best chemicals inside everyone involved. Honest. Say what? That’s the one that has put me in so much trouble and created fear in men. Red. Wear red. Well, I do, that’s never made a difference with anyone. Mirror and match. Sigh, this is the reason I left sales. Manipulation at such an intense level, that I couldn’t do it. I can’t do it. Looking at the list of 10 things a girl ‘should be’ and ‘should have’, I’m only lacking one, and that’s with integrity, I believe anyway…

So I go to another line of different videos, the ones Boggs puts his focus on the guy… what are Men’s hidden insecurities: 1) Being seen as weak for having emotions and showing tears. 2) For being seen as inadequate, or a ‘fraud’; for not knowing the answer or the best way to get through / work through / do something. 3) Not being physically able to provide for a woman’s needs. 4) Not having the ‘right’ body, jawline, amount of hair and the like. 5) Being seen as a coward for feeling fear, which means that men will isolate themselves so that they don’t have to face or deal with their fear by pretending everything is ok. This then loops into making things worse, because things aren’t dealt with. Many men are afraid to say that they are afraid. All of these points, I found completely understandable. Yet, many men have done the opposite and spoken to me about these things… just chilling as humans together, or on WatsApp or Facebook messages… so I guess these factors are there, but I think men are slowly working through them and that’s good.

So, I take in these points and think fair enough. So what are Mr Bogg’s thoughts on establishing whether or not a guy adores a girl, pushing all his possible insecurities to the side: 1) He actively pursues you – ok, I haven’t experienced that in about 12 years. 2) He is present with you when he is with you, no phone, no distractions, no checking out other girls to upgrade to – nope, I haven’t experienced that. 3) He puts the maximum amount of investment into you. He doesn’t go cheap on his creativity, his time or what he remembers about you. Eish, I have another no. 4) Focuses on you, remembers what you say, pays attention and cares enough to ask back on that family member, that job search, that friend… etc… Heh heh, no… 5) He wants to progress, wants to make sure you aren’t dating anyone else… no… I suppose at a third of the way through the list, it’s kind of clear that my psycho interpretations of whether or not a guy is interested in me are rather warped, and untrue. It’s just tough when it’s all in your own mind and you can’t bounce it off the person, because it ends up making things so awkward. Sigh.

6) He’s vulnerable with you. Finally! That one I have experienced, purely by where God placed me in the moment and actually nothing to do with his choice in the matter, so I guess it doesn’t qualify. It’s just God using His Light in me to be His angel in the vulnerable moment. 7) Publically shows affection. No, that has only possibly happened when guys have been drunk and it is a very uncomfortable feeling, so I think my back off sign is HUGE on my forehead in those scenarios. 8) He’s happy to be with you even when you are not looking or feeling your best. Funny one this, because with living on campus for University and being a boarding mistress, we’re all super cool with no-one being ‘polished’ in their appearance and just being themselves. An add on to this is that he is happy to be your shoulder to cry on. I’ve only really needed that once, and he was a gem, otherwise, my context hasn’t created an opportunity around any guy. My female friends, they have certainly seen me in tears many a time! 9) He’s willing to be influenced by me… Well, I don’t know the answer to that, guys don’t tell me if they are or aren’t. I can only hope that some Holy Spirit rubs off. Oh, wait, I do remember one guy telling me that I am like a Fairy with lots of fairy dust and no-one can leave my presence without having permanent fairy dust left on them. That was such a wonderful thing to be told. 10) Mentions me in his future plans… no. 11) Remembers little things. Not really. Men forget. 12) My comfort is important to him. Yes! YAY! This has happened with two guys. Yay, someone cared. Oh greatness, this was not a ‘fun’ exercise for me at all. 13) Offers to help and does, even if it is inconvenient. Yes! Three guys have done this, that I can remember. Most of the ones I have encountered are absolutely self-absorbed and completely self-orientated, they don’t even think to think of someone else, never mind help them if its inconvenient to themselves. 14) Pleases me… this doesn’t apply to me. 15) There is no doubt in your mind that he’s into you. Ha ha ha! Well, I would have put my head on a block at the time, but many moons later, it is obvious that I was completely wrong, so this is hardly a point I can work with. Ugh.

So, Boggs reckons the reason I am single is most likely because of a deep inner fear that I’m not enough and I won’t be loved… I think there is truth in this if I look at family history and what I have worked through. If I look at University context, friends who are pretty much in the out-of-sight-out-of-mind line due to getting through their stressful lives, then love isn’t the unconditional there either. Boggs then also points to the “Shame” factor. I am pretty sure I don’t have that one, but I can think of a whole bunch of hoodie wearing individuals who qualify for this reason for being single. Carrying such a weight, man, ‘shame’ is a horrid, horrid thing.

So this then made me realise, I have made up a whole lot of things and actually what my imagination put so much context onto was really just that – a figment of my over-active imagination. So then, time to put my big-girl-panties on and face Boggs’ list of “7 signs that he is not that into you”… Stepping into this list with a heavy heart, would mean that I must know the answer already: 1) He is inactive, he is not making plans that include me – true. He’s game to reply, or get on board if I organise, but he is not going to be putting in any effort from his side – true. 2) Once again, the distracted card came up as the flip side from adoring me, he is ‘not present’. 3) He’s ‘breadcrumbing’ me – which means he is going cheap, making the minimum effort and is really not interested in being in my company on his own, without other people around. True. 4) He’s self-absorbed and self-focused, tick! 5) He is only hot when it’s convenient for him, and cold when a better option is on his cards. 6) He is ‘stagnant’ man who doesn’t want his ‘norm’ to change – that’s super true! And finally 7) You cannot tell if he is interested or not.

So looking at the ‘he’s not that into you’ list, it simply confirmed the opposites on the ‘he adores you’ list; which leaves me having to face the reality of the situation of me and how my life story has unfolded… the pathway to being a spinster and living for God, is kind of where the Universe has put me. If I look through the rest of the videos, then it seems that if I didn’t trust God, then I would be out manipulating and using the “melt his heart texts” list, or the “make him want you” list. Why would anyone set out to ‘make someone like them’, if God wanted it to happen, then surely the list of 15 adoration signs would be natural? Or is it the case that the woman needs to be the one to overcome her insecurities (which I reckon is probably a longer list than the guys’) and then work to help him overcome his too; whilst manipulating him to like / want her? Man, that is so much flipping work! Dear Lord, I can’t believe that I would have to do all that if YOU Willed the union, I really can’t.

Bogg’s advises, that to get a guy, a girl needs sass and confidence, she needs to get rid of her posse of girlfriends to give him the chance to make a move and finally, if that doesn’t work, then get near him in his ‘circumference of conversation’ so the opening lines can happen, but don’t go after him and pursue him relentlessly, because then he can’t be a man; you’ve taken his role… If you get past all the sassiness required, and pub dance around getting him to you or you to him, like that isn’t exhausting enough, and you finally get his number and get into dating, then 1) Admire him. Yes, no, ok, really? Surely, I shouldn’t have to make up forced ‘admiration’, I’m guessing that all this has to be genuine and sincere? Boggs affirms that surface level compliments get surface level relationships. 2) Make him feel unique and separate. Isn’t that ego boosting? I guess we do need to do that for each other, but can’t we boost Spirit as well? 3) Compliment his competency. Hmmmm, I would have to find a competent guy then… heh heh. I don’t think my comment will go down well. Funny!

Then, if I want him to want me… apparently I need to engage in conversations that cover what he needs to do to qualify to get me. I need to empower him and let him know that he is being productive and he is making me feel loved and that, due to him, I am experiencing and feeling good things. Finally, give him a pet name – heh heh.

So, all this advice, and I just can’t force myself to cover the one point over all of this: There is no doubt in me… I prayed years ago, that I want no doubt and my issues of trust still run very, very high. Bring on the day I don’t doubt and I do trust.

I looked at a final Boggs video and I am glad I did. He advises girls to walk away. Leave him alone for 90 days, grieve the relationship, forgive and release all that you need to for yourself and for him. Decide to draw the line. Decide you want something better. Decide to take that new slate. DECIDE – Latin for ‘cut away from the old’- to anticipate good things for yourself every day. The story Boggs used here was asking his client if she believed in a Higher Power, which she did. So he said to her – then you only have two options: 1) Your God will give you something worse than what you are letting go of OR 2) He will give you something better. What do you think God would do? DUH, better.


I chose the Boggs videos, because he was real and there seemed to be some truth in his words. I can only hope that those watching them have a context of love and healthy self-esteem and are not desperate, that they have taken the time to get to know and love themselves; and that what they are ‘trying to force’ isn’t the wrong thing to force. There were other videos I watched, one woman in particular, scared me. If teens get hold of her advice, then they are going to be sending smutty WatsApp messages and opening every single door for manipulation through temptation on very dangerous ground. The possible outcomes and destruction that could evolve may result permanent damage for the rest of their lives, which, for me, is unthinkably horrific. Dear Lord, be with them, give them Your wisdom not to walk along a road that is going to cause pain and unfixable damage. Amen.

So where does this little exercise leave me? Even more reliant on God, because I have yes’s and no’s and maybe’s for every list. I also have no desire to be the only one making an effort in any relationship going further than just friends. It doesn’t stop me thinking about a person far too much and being distracted. It doesn’t take away the fact that I have to live through this process all over again. BUT this time I am not going to be baring my soul to someone who doesn’t want to know; and I am going to keep on keeping on with WatsApping myself – until I tire of it, or see how sad they make me look – and pushing all the motivational screenshots and quotes I can onto my WatsApp Status, because, the fact that people need coaches to have relationships in this day and age, shows me that more people need Jesus than ever and I know my motivational posts are going to help someone, because there would be no relationship coaches and gurus if people were following the greatest and highest Power for the guidelines to a healthy and well-lived life. Here’s to not knowing the answers and living through the process to become a better me for the next round. D.V. – Deo volente (Latin for God willing!). Goodness knows I am too inconsistent and unreliable to make these huge life decisions without a Higher, Consistent and Awesome Power guiding me. Amen.


May 20, 2018 … God? Is it You or us?

Lord, are you a figment of our imaginations? A being created – a story created to give us hope, when really there is none? I know YOU send bees and butterflies and all I need in YOUR perfect timing, is that because I chant that YOU will, and so the universe moves to my thoughts and makes it so, or are you so? A mass group of humans processing the same power and thoughts and thus making it all as it is through mass – collective thinking and belief – which would be one flipping powerful source, definitely with the power to create all that it does in its perfect timing…

MissLea2010, humans do not think collectively, they do not believe collectively, because their experiences, their thought processes, their “everythings” – literally – are different. Nothing going on in or with any one of you is identical. You are not capable of being the constant consistent that I AM. You all change continually and your minds drift between thoughts and beliefs and doubts as many of you – at the level of bothering to think about it – struggle within yourselves with regards to the ‘ultimate’ truth. You also exist in bodies that are physically separate, thus separating thoughts and soul energy, and never being identical to any other. So, I am not a figment of your imaginations, I AM the truth you need and the centre and consistent that will hold you together. Indeed, you are correct, without me, there is no hope. I AM the only ‘drug’ with positive side effects, the only story that connects up through the different minds and journeys and experiences you are all naturally separated in living and knowing. To tie up so many different humans in such a constant way, cannot be an act of humanity, it is not possible across centuries to have such a story created, crafted and executed and shared by human will and action alone. Your thoughts are powerful, yes, but when you are low, you aren’t thinking of that bee or butterfly, in fact, it is always a surprise when you see it, if you were willing it / thinking of it / calling it, then it would not be the thought distraction or surprise that it is. I send them, because you need them. I send them because I love you. I send them, because you need the upliftment and hope to keep going. We’re in this together, no illusion, no delusion. Keep on keeping on, for it is good and it will produce goodness. Walk in light, love and kindness, for and to others, and for and to yourself in relationship with Your Heavenly Father. Be loved – by MY power and presence and Grace, that is of ME and not of human creation. Be still and KNOW that it is so.